Hey there, Kalamazoo homeowners! If you’ve ever woken up to find your once pristine lawn turned into a battlefield of mounds and tunnels, chances are you’re dealing with a mole invasion. One mole ALONE can dig up to 18 ft an hour! Let’s dig into why these pesky critters just won’t leave your yard alone.
Understanding Mole Behavior
Moles, those elusive underground dwellers, have a knack for wreaking havoc on our lawns. You see, these little guys spend most of their lives tunneling underground in search of insects to munch on. And where better to find a buffet of bugs than in the lush greenery of your yard, flower beds, and gardens? That’s right; moles are attracted to yards with healthy soil teeming with tasty treats. The hardest pill to swallow is that the more you take care of your lawn, the more it can become a target in many instances.
Assessing the Damage
So, how can you tell if your yard has fallen victim to mole mayhem? Keep an eye out for raised ridges and mounds of soil that seem to pop up overnight. These telltale signs of mole activity can leave your lawn looking like a warzone.
The Importance of Mole Removal
Now, you might be wondering, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a few mounds of dirt.” Well, let me tell you, the damage caused by moles can extend far beyond unsightly tunnels and mounds. These little excavators can wreak havoc on your lawn’s root system, leaving your grass looking worse for wear.
Effective Mole Removal Methods
When it comes to getting rid of moles, you’ve got options. From DIY methods to enlisting the help of the pros, there’s no shortage of ways to send these critters packing.
DIY Approaches
If you’re the hands-on type, there are plenty of DIY mole removal methods to try. From setting traps, repellents, to baits, there’s no shortage of creative solutions to choose from.
Professional Services
Let’s face it there are plenty of DIY options that do work. But we hear all too often of them failing. The biggest reason for this is not understanding moles and their habits. When hiring a professional more often than not, you are mainly paying for the experience and knowledge they have under their belt. This way the issue can be dealt with efficiently before more damage is done and not leading you slowly down the path of the grounds keeper on Caddy Shack.
Prevention Strategies
Once you’ve bid farewell to your mole invaders, it’s time to take steps to prevent them from coming back.
Mole Lawn Barriers
A mole lawn barrier, also known as a mole-proof barrier or mole fence, is a physical barrier installed underground around the perimeter of a lawn or garden area to prevent moles from burrowing into the protected area. It typically consists of a durable material such as sheet metal or galvanized steel that is buried vertically into the ground to create a barrier that moles cannot penetrate. This barrier keeps them from being able to access the yard, garden, or flower beds.
Here’s how a mole lawn barrier works:
Installation: The barrier is installed by burying it vertically into the ground along the edge of the lawn or garden. The depth of the barrier may vary depending on the specific recommendations or the severity of the mole problem.
Material Durability: Mole lawn barriers are usually made of sturdy materials such as sheet metal or galvanized steel to withstand the pressure exerted by burrowing moles. This ensures that the barrier remains effective over time and does not degrade or corrode easily.
Preventing Burrowing: The barrier acts as a physical obstacle that moles cannot dig through, effectively blocking their access to the lawn or garden area. When moles encounter the barrier while tunneling underground, they are unable to proceed further and are deterred from entering the protected space.
Maintenance: While mole lawn barriers are highly effective at preventing mole intrusion, they may require occasional maintenance to ensure their continued effectiveness. This may involve inspecting the barrier for any signs of damage or wear and repairing or replacing any sections that have been compromised.
Practicality: While this may not always be practical for something like a large area, it works very well for small lawns, flower beds, and garden spaces!
Using Repellents
There are also a variety of mole repellents available on the market, from sonic devices to castor oil-based sprays. Experiment with different options to see what works best for your yard. Castor oil-based sprays and granules do have some decent success. They soak into the ground making the moles’ food sources taste terrible. This helps them not want to stick around very long.
Trapping and baiting
Lawn mole trapping is a method used to capture and remove moles from a lawn or garden area.
Here’s a brief overview of how it works:
Identification of Mole Activity: Before setting traps or bait, it’s essential to identify areas of mole activity in the lawn. This includes locating mole tunnels, surface ridges, and mounds of soil.
Selecting and Placing Traps: Traps designed specifically for catching moles are placed in strategic locations along active tunnels or near mole hills. These traps are typically inserted into the ground and positioned to intercept moles as they travel through their tunnels.
Trapping Techniques: There are various types of mole traps available, including spear traps, scissor traps, and harpoon traps. Each trap operates differently but generally works by triggering a mechanism that captures the mole when it passes through the tunnel.
Monitoring and Resetting: Traps and bait should be checked regularly to see if any moles have been caught or eaten the bait. If a trap has captured a mole, it should be removed, and the trap reset to continue trapping activity.
Safety and Considerations: When setting traps, it’s essential to follow safety precautions to prevent injury to oneself and non-target animals. Additionally, trapping should be done in accordance with local regulations and guidelines to ensure humane treatment of moles.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):
Q: How do I know if I have moles in my yard?
A: Look for signs such as raised tunnels, mounds of soil, and damaged plants.
Q: Can moles cause damage to my lawn?
A: Yes, moles can disrupt grass roots and create unsightly mounds of soil.
Q: Is it safe to remove moles myself?
A: DIY mole removal methods can be effective but may require patience and persistence.
Q: How much does professional mole removal cost?
A: Costs vary depending on the extent of the infestation and the size of the property. Contact a wildlife removal expert for a personalized quote.
Q: What can I do to prevent moles from returning to my lawn?
A: Using barriers and using repellents can help deter moles from returning.